From the course: Learning Docker

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Pushing images to the Docker registry

Pushing images to the Docker registry - Docker Tutorial

From the course: Learning Docker

Pushing images to the Docker registry

- [Narrator] First, we're going to create a new Docker Hub account. To do this, I'm going to click on the big Register button on the upper right-hand corner of the page. Docker Hub will then ask us to register. Go ahead and fill in your information, then click Sign Up when you're done. As a security precaution, I recommend choosing a strong password here. You might also want to save your username and password in a password manager or some other safe place so that you don't have to remember them every time. Since I already have an account in the Docker Hub, I'm not going to click Sign Up here. You'll be sent a verification email after you do this. Keep an eye out for it and click the verification link when you get it. Let's go back to terminal. The next thing we're going to do is log into Docker Hub from the Docker CLI. We can easily do this with docker login. You'll be asked for that username and password you created…
