From the course: Learning Docker

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Introducing the Docker Hub

Introducing the Docker Hub - Docker Tutorial

From the course: Learning Docker

Introducing the Docker Hub

- [Instructor] As we mentioned earlier in this course, one of Docker's most attractive features is being able to push your images to container image registries. As long as you can log into the registry, you can push your image into it. Let's explore this feature some more. A container image registry is a place for storing and tracking container images. Container images are tracked by their tags, a string combining the name of the image, and optionally it's version with a semicolon. Container images that do not have a version automatically get tagged with the version called latest. Like downloading software on Homebrew or GitHub, this naming scheme makes it really easy to download specific versions of images. We'll see what I mean here in a moment. Docker Hub is a default registry used by the Docker client. This is a publicly accessible registry that anyone can push images to. Whenever you pull images or whenever Docker…
