From the course: Learning Docker
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Create a Docker container from Dockerfiles, part 2 - Docker Tutorial
From the course: Learning Docker
Create a Docker container from Dockerfiles, part 2
- [Instructor] Now that we've seen an example Dockerfile, let's turn it into a Docker image and start our container from it. We're going to use the docker build command to do this. Let's look at its help documentation first. Just like docker run, we have lots of options to choose from. For this example though, the only option that we'll need is the tag option. Just like containers, every Docker image has an ID. This option associates a convenient name with that ID. This way, we don't have to remember the image ID whenever we use it. So going back to our docker build command, let's call it our-first-image to keep things simple. Dockerfile looks for a file called Dockerfile by default. Since this is what our dockerfile is actually called, we don't need to change anything. However, if our Dockerfile were called something else like say app.Dockerfile, we would need to provide the dash f or dash dash file options as well so…
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Exploring the Docker CLI3m 1s
Create a Docker container6m 58s
Create a Docker container: The short way2m 9s
Create a Docker container from Dockerfiles, part 12m 46s
Create a Docker container from Dockerfiles, part 22m 37s
Interact with your container5m 9s
Stopping and removing the container5m 41s
Binding ports to your container4m 36s
Saving data from containers5m 39s
Introducing the Docker Hub1m 23s
Pushing images to the Docker registry3m 13s
Checking your images in Docker Hub2m 44s
Challenge: Starting NGINX1m 16s
Solution: Starting NGINX5m 18s