From the course: Learning Docker

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Challenge: Starting NGINX

Challenge: Starting NGINX - Docker Tutorial

From the course: Learning Docker

Challenge: Starting NGINX

(energetic music) - [Narrator] Welcome to your first Challenge. For this Challenge, you're going to use NGINX to serve a real working website from Docker. This is something that you'll do very often as you use Docker for real applications. Your exercise file bundle for this Challenge contains a website in a folder called website. Use this folder and the NGINX image in Docker Hub to serve the website from a Docker container called website. NGINX will serve the website from port 80 by default. Ensure that the website is accessible from your browser at http://localhost:8080. The container must not exist after you are done viewing the website. Finally, if you choose to use volume mounts for your solution, make sure that you're inside of the 03_14 folder and map $PWD in capital letters, /website to/usr/share /nginx/html within the container. Good luck and have fun.
