From the course: Learning Digital Business Analysis
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The customer journey and user experience
From the course: Learning Digital Business Analysis
The customer journey and user experience
- In a digital transformation, the customer journey is a critical piece of the puzzle. A common tool used to analyze and collaborate as a team on the customer experience and journey is called a customer journey map. If improving the experience the customer has with your organization is not front and center, you could inadvertently be making their experience worse. Using a customer journey map helps the team align on the customer outcomes and results. From changes large and small, technical and non-technical, your customer's every interaction and expectation is on the line. Here's an example of a customer journey map. It shows the customer, the main steps to reach their goal, their emotions, frustrations, and things that can go wrong along with the opportunities that can improve their experience. For these journey maps, you may and likely will have many per customer type. For each customer goal, you may have one. For example, you might have one for a customer type for order a product…
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