From the course: Learning DaVinci Resolve 16
Smart Bin face detection with machine learning - DaVinci Resolve Tutorial
From the course: Learning DaVinci Resolve 16
Smart Bin face detection with machine learning
- One of the new headline features in DaVinci Resolve is based around Smart Bins. Now, this is a studio-only feature, meaning it requires the paid version of DaVinci Resolve, but it's so cool, I got to show it to you. Let's see it in action. So what we're going to do is come to our Video Transcoded folder, and we're going to select all the shots in this folder. So I've selected the first shot, and I'll do Control + A to select all, right click, and choose Analyze Clips for People. Yes, this is based on machine learning. And after I select it, this little dialog box comes up, and it is searching for faces. And it's going to go through this pretty quick, because these clips have been trimmed down to just what we need in order to recreate this 30 second spot. But when it does, it is going to open up a dialog box right here, and it has grouped all of our clips into, in this case, six different groups. And you'll see that if I click on Person 1, it's showing me a little red box around the face that it's analyzed. But to name it, which is really what I want to do, I got to come up to People here. And we're going to start here, on Dad, and I'm going to enter the first name, and I'm going to call this Dad. And you see Dad's renamed under People. Then I'll come down to Son. And then we'll do Nurse. Now, we've got Nurse in two different angles. The machine learning actually broke this out into two clips. I'm not going to name this one, and you'll see how we're going to fix this in a moment. And then we're going to go to Mom. And then other people, we're going to have to deal with that separately. So now let's go ahead and refine these results. So I go to Son, and yup, that's the son, that's absolutely right. Then we've got Mom here. And this is amazing, if you take a look at this clip, if I go ahead and double-click it, so it loads in the viewer behind here, and let's close this out, you'll see that Mom is barely on-screen. She is on-screen, with her face, for about 15 frames! She's completely obscured the rest of the time, and yet somehow or another, this machine learning actually managed to detect her as a background character. So how do we get back to that view in order to continue refining? We're going to come up to Workspace, People. We're back here, looking at Mom, so these are all Mom. And I'm going to go through, and make sure all of these are Mom, and if any of them aren't, I can re-categorize them to something. But these are all Mom clips, that's all good. Let's go to Nurse. Yup, that's the nurse. Son, that's the son. Person 4, it captured the nurse here. And it missed him, the Dad. So what we're going to do is right-click, Not Person 4, it is person Nurse. I'll assign her to Nurse. Right-click, Not Person 4, I'll assign that to Nurse. Now what we're looking at is really a 1.0 of this algorithm, and it's not assigning multiple faces to the same clip. It seems to kind of pick one person and assign that person for that clip. So it's currently a limitation in this, but I guarantee you as DaVinci Resolve progresses, it looks like they'll be refining this a lot more. Now let's jump down into Other People and see what we've got here. All right, so it's got the son on couple of these shots, but it doesn't quite know who it is, and so we can go ahead and continue to assign these. And we've got one clip in here where it's kids, so let me double-click on that to load it into the viewer. And you can see that this clip are the two girls, and it's only captured one of the girls. So what we're going to do is create a new person. New Person. And we'll do Daughter 1. And then we'll assign this clip again as Daughter 1. And so we can go through here and start refining these clips as necessary. When I'm done, I'll click Close. This is a really nifty feature, and one of the reasons I really wanted to show this to you is the term machine learning or artificial intelligence has been sweeping through all sorts of different businesses, and here in DaVinci Resolve, we get to see one implementation of that. And it's an early implementation, but when it works, it astonishes me how well it works. And the thing you're going to want to do is keep an eye out to see how this develops over time, because that'll tell you how much more powerful machine learning is as it matures as a field.
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Media page overview and key preferences6m 22s
Finding and importing clips2m 48s
Organizing clips into bins4m 40s
Organizing clips with dual screens2m 2s
Reviewing and marking clips7m 8s
Adding metadata and keywords to clips5m 26s
Organizing with Smart Bins2m 53s
Smart Bin face detection with machine learning4m 58s
Introduction to Power Bins3m 23s