From the course: Learning DaVinci Resolve 16

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Resetting nodes

Resetting nodes

- Let's take a moment and talk about resetting our nodes. I showed you how to bypass, but what if you decide, you know what? This green push was a really, really bad idea. I need to reset this green node. Well, one thing I can do is highlight it, come up to the color menu, reset, selected node grade, or shift home. So let's use the shortcut. Shift plus the home button. And there we go, I've reset this node, you can see that it no longer has any operations going on in there. So now we are going from the balance, to the red push, to nothing. It's just sitting there. If I want to delete a node, so let's come to node number three. That's a bad idea as well, I'll just highlight it, and I'll press delete and the node deletes. If I want to reset everything, so let's undo that, let's keep this red push. Let's say I say, you know what, this whole operation was terrible and I've just got to start all over again, right.…
