From the course: Learning DaVinci Resolve 16
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Introduction to Power Bins - DaVinci Resolve Tutorial
From the course: Learning DaVinci Resolve 16
Introduction to Power Bins
- Sometimes you have elements that you want to reuse across multiple projects. Show opens and lower thirds are very common examples. Now, you could constantly import them into every new project you create, and then reorganize those folders. Or, you could allow Resolve to create bins that are available in every single project in a single database. Those bins are called Power Bins. Let's see how they work. We're going to pick up from this project we've been using, and I actually haven't saved this project off yet. It's still called Untitled Project, and it's in a database we created earlier. So I'm just going to go ahead and save this, and I'm going to call this Test Project. And I know that I've got elements in here, graphical elements that I want to reuse. Let's say this particular element here, and this particular element here, these are the two pieces of graphics I want to use over and over again. So what are we…
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Media page overview and key preferences6m 22s
Finding and importing clips2m 48s
Organizing clips into bins4m 40s
Organizing clips with dual screens2m 2s
Reviewing and marking clips7m 8s
Adding metadata and keywords to clips5m 26s
Organizing with Smart Bins2m 53s
Smart Bin face detection with machine learning4m 58s
Introduction to Power Bins3m 23s