From the course: Learning Cryptography and Network Security
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Review the history of cryptography
From the course: Learning Cryptography and Network Security
Review the history of cryptography
- [Instructor] Concealing information using secret codes began over a thousand years ago. Now all modern ciphers deal with a key or set of keys. However, prior to automation methods to encrypt data used pen paper or even rings such as the pigpen or Freemason cipher, along with mechanical devices, such as the enigma machine, which was a complex German engineered device used in world war one and world war two that created strong encrypted messages. Early encryption techniques are called classic cryptography and mainly used transposition and substitution. Transposition ciphers transpose letters according to a pattern. Substitution ciphers substitute each letter with a different letter according to the key. One example of a transposition cipher is the rail fence or zig-zag cipher which conceals data in a pattern, as you can see here the word transposition. The dashes would be other letters. To see this in action you could…
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