From the course: Learning Cryptography and Network Security

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Challenge: Coding with the Enigma

Challenge: Coding with the Enigma

(upbeat music) - [Instructor] I met this web page, the Computer Museum of America where it talks about the Enigma Machine. I'll scroll down and you can read the story about the Enigma, but what we want to do is take a look at the Enigma Machine, I'll right click and view image. And then once there, I want to just point out a couple things. Right up at the top, that's called the rotors and we will be manipulating the rotors. Then down below on the lower part, which looks like a typewriter, these are the stickers, which is the switchboard. Now we're not going to do anything with the stickers but let's see how this works. We'll go to this webpage, the Enigma Machine simulator. Now there are others, but I found this to be user-friendly. Now, once I'm here, we're going to manipulate what we call the rotors. As you can see the plain text, and what we're going to do is take this out and I'm going to type password. Now down…
