From the course: Learning Construction Estimating

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Expense, quotation, and subcontractor sheets

Expense, quotation, and subcontractor sheets - Accubid Tutorial

From the course: Learning Construction Estimating

Expense, quotation, and subcontractor sheets

- [Instructor] Let's take a look at some job costs that are viewed a little bit differently than traditional material and labor. They are direct job expenses, quotations, and subcontractor costs. I've made up some worksheets to capture these costs and include them in the estimate. Let's describe what they are first. Direct job expenses are not really material or labor, and they're not necessarily attached to the building or project, but they are costs all the same. They could be tools that are either rented or owned. They could be permits, insurance, or bonds. They could even be a storage trailer or temporary heating or lighting costs. Again, these are all things that are needed to build this project, but they are not necessarily attached to the project. They're the expenses a contractor needs to build the building. Quotations are kind of like a material cost, but they are a larger, all-encompassing cost. They're…
