From the course: Learning Computer Security and Internet Safety
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Windows privacy settings
From the course: Learning Computer Security and Internet Safety
Windows privacy settings
- [Instructor] Many apps, such as Facebook, Xbox, even Weather, require certain permissions on your computer, such as the ability to use your microphone, camera, or location. They can also access your contact list. You have complete control over what these apps can access. To get into that, click Start and then click the gear to get into Settings. On the left-hand side of the screen, click Privacy & Security. And we've been in here before. Let's scroll down and talk about app permissions. We'll start by clicking on Location. You can choose whether or not you want location services turned on or off. And it's just a toggle switch to turn it off or on. This means that your location will be available to Windows and anybody that uses this particular machine. Now, even with the location service on, you can still turn it off for particular apps. Here is where you can see all of the apps and hardware that you've given permission to use your precise location. For example, if you wanted the…