From the course: Learning Cinema 4D

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Modifying objects with deformers

Modifying objects with deformers - CINEMA 4D Tutorial

From the course: Learning Cinema 4D

Modifying objects with deformers

- [Instructor] In this scene, we have some objects that are using deformers to take their more basic appearance and turn them into something more complex. So you can combine primitives with deformers, it allows for the procedural deformation of the geometry while maintaining a nondestructive workflow. So we have the purple icons that you can see in the object manager here. Bend, bevel, and a little bit further down, there's a bendy tube that has another bend deformer on it here. And what I've done is I've taken those objects and put them into a new scene, and we can just take a look at these in a bit more detail. So, the reason why we have a bevel on the platonic is that it does not have, in the object properties, it does not have the fill it options that we see in the cube and the tube. And I want it to have these nice looking edges, if we select the object and press S, come over to our display and choose Gouraud shading…
