From the course: Learning Cinema 4D

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Creating and applying basic materials

Creating and applying basic materials - CINEMA 4D Tutorial

From the course: Learning Cinema 4D

Creating and applying basic materials

- [Instructor] In this movie, we're going to be talking about materials. This is the end state for our scene where we have a variety of materials created and applied to the objects. And you can refer back to this if you need to. We're going to start in our material start scene and I've already created a material which has a color palette, and we're going to be using this to pick from the palette to choose our colors for each material. So an easy way of doing that is to right click. So if we actually have the material selected, it's selected in the attribute manager, you can right click on this material preview and then choose open window. What this does is gives us the material preview and we can then click here on this little hamburger menu. Come down to the bottom where you can see it's highlighted here, don't go too low, you want to just go to this bit here and then let go. And what we now have is a docked version of this…
