From the course: Learning Brainstorming

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Rule 4: Value time

Rule 4: Value time

- It's easy to forget that most participants in a brainstorm session are not there to solve a problem for themselves. They're there to solve a problem for someone else. They have their own problems to solve back at their desks. So when a brainstorm is set up to end when a viable solution has been generated, the goal of the session immediately becomes generating expected ideas rather than novel ideas because expected ideas are more irrefutable and therefore lead to the session ending sooner. This is no way to structure an effective idea session. Instead, let your participants know exactly how long your brainstorm session will last. While times may vary depending on any number of circumstances, a good benchmark is an hour and a 1/2 to two hours. This allows for both input and output exercises and provides ample time to build on one another's ideas. Let your participants proactively know exactly how long the session will be…
