From the course: Learning Brainstorming

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Idea webs

Idea webs

- Creativity thrives on taking disparate ideas and mashing them together into something new. Visualizing what types of disparate ideas will work together is difficult, but disparity is rarely a goal and is actually much harder to find than you would think. To get to a place where you can start to see disparate ideas and their potential together, try creating an idea web. Start by taking the central theme or subject of your problem and writing it in the center of a whiteboard or large piece of paper. Circle the word and draw lines coming out of the circle. At the end of each line, write a word that has something to do with the word in the center. This can be a descriptive word or it can be a supplementary term. It just has to have a relationship to the word it is connected to. Do this a number of times until you have a few words surrounding the center word. Circle each of those and do the same thing to them. As you're…
