From the course: Learning Brainstorming

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Defining the purpose of brainstorming

Defining the purpose of brainstorming

From the course: Learning Brainstorming

Defining the purpose of brainstorming

- Today, the purpose of brainstorming remains the same as it did when Alex Osborn penned it. bring a group of people together to generate ideas around a particular problem. On the surface, the concept certainly passes the logic test. If one person can generate five ideas, then two should generate 10, but it never seems to work that way, does it? There are a number of factors that contribute to an effective brainstorming process. The least of which is remembering that it is a process. One that we can manually shorten and cheapen as time or circumstances lead us to combine parts of the process or worse, throw them out altogether. But know this, if you'll commit to the process, it will yield more and better ideas than you could have generated alone. We have all experienced times when we feel that the ideas we generate on our own are better than the ones generated in a group setting. Both methods have their merits for sure.…
