From the course: Learning Bluebeam 2017

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Setting up a Studio Project

Setting up a Studio Project - Bluebeam Tutorial

From the course: Learning Bluebeam 2017

Setting up a Studio Project

- Throughout this course, I've made references to a feature set called Bluebeam Studio. In this chapter I will demonstrate the first of the tools within the Studio called Bluebeam Studio Projects. Studio Projects is really a cloud storage feature that in some ways is similar to other services like Google Drive, Microsoft OneDrive, or Dropbox, however the ability to set up and control a Studio Project is built directly in to the Revu software. Your access to all of the Bluebeam Studio features that we'll discuss here is included with your Revu software, so there's nothing else to buy or install and there are no other fees. In fact, you can go ahead and set up a Studio account so that you can access Studio Projects even if your working on one of the trial versions of Bluebeam Revu, and I'm going to demonstrate how easy that process is right now. First, let's close the panals at the bottom and left side of the screen by clicking on their handles so we have some more room, Then I'm going…
