From the course: Learning Bluebeam 2017

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Initiating a Studio Session

Initiating a Studio Session - Bluebeam Tutorial

From the course: Learning Bluebeam 2017

Initiating a Studio Session

- In the last chapter we walked through how to set up your own Bluebeam studio account and how to initiate and set up a studio project. All of these instructions are the same for setting up a studio session so we're going to use the account that we set up in the last chapter and the files that we added to studio project in the last chapter to look at how to collaborate with others on those documents that we now have stored. Again we'll start where we left off in that last chapter where we already logged into Bluebeam studio and I'm going to go ahead and click on home and when I do that this brings back my sessions tab and I have the option of creating a new session from here. So again, start and new session. When I do that the process for adding files and folders and setting up a new session is identical to the process of setting up a studio project that we already looked at. So instead what I want to do here is demonstrate how to set up a studio session using the files that we…
