From the course: Learning Bluebeam 2017

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Dynamic Fill

Dynamic Fill

- [Instructor] To demonstrate this next new feature I'm going to go ahead and pick up where we left off. But instead of the roof plan, I'm going to jump back to the beginning of the set, sheet one in our set of sample drawings, or page A101. And I'm going to take a look at our site plan. In this segment, I'm going to talk about how to use what we call the new dynamic fill tool. And the dynamic fill tool is really just a tool that lets you select odd shaped areas really quickly. And it does this by allowing you to sort of paint in an area and fill up the odd shaped areas really quickly. And you'll see what happens here is that the software detects the boundary edges of whatever we're trying to fill in and just fills in that area. It's really quick, and it's really easy. Let's undo this. Close it, we'll start from the beginning. And let me show you how this tool works. Again, the way you access this tool is by clicking the measure menu. And you'll see it over here as dynamic fill. When…
