From the course: Learning Behance

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Why your Behance profile matters

Why your Behance profile matters

From the course: Learning Behance

Why your Behance profile matters

- [Narrator] Imagine yourself getting the opportunity to talk to your dream client or employer. You're so close you can smell the ink on the pages of the array of design books on the shelves behind them. They've given away nothing so far and you're worried your work isn't going to cut it alone. Instinctively, you know your only chance is to fill in the gaps for them. You need to tell them what you're about. Not just what and when, but why and possibly how. These are the details that can be missed out so easily. Just why did you take that crazy commission for Universal Systems Incorporated and Allied Industrial Banana? They were stepping stones for certain, but they were also challenges and you knew you were the fresh eyes they needed. You had what they so badly needed. You knew it, but they need to know that too, because then it will all make sense and they will see you for the fearless, dedicated, creative gemstone that you are. So tell them, but keep your head in the game, as this…
