From the course: Learning Behance

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Reading your activity feed

Reading your activity feed

From the course: Learning Behance

Reading your activity feed

- [Tony] Your first port of call when you sign in to Behance, at least without following a specific URL beyond the homepage, will always be your activity feed. You can in fact get there two ways, as is the default once you're signed in. You can click or tap the Behance logo up at the top left hand corner of the page, or the word activity in the main navigation, and you'll see the results are the same. If you're signed out, then of course the activity link isn't available to you anyway, and the Behance link will take you to the best of Behance page. So this shows you recent work from the creative fields and individual creators or teams that you've followed. You can view a project by clicking or tapping on the thumbnail or the project name and find out more about the creator, or if it's a team, then you can find out more about those also, and I'll show you a link through to a team in a moment. So you can scroll down and have a look at the content, and if you like it, you can click…
