From the course: Learning Behance

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Other social media

Other social media

- [Instructor] With so many social networks around, you are in a network of networks. So, you need to develop some kind of strategy, really, for how you're going to promote, not just new content, but your back catalog. There will always come an opportunity for that. So, for example, Halloween time, I might be thinking about suddenly bringing attention to this Halloween poster just here, or to this Halloween pumpkin tutorial. To share something socially, you can simply go to the project itself. And it doesn't just have to be yours, you can share other people's as well. I'm sure they would be grateful of that. And then you've got the links down at the bottom here, so you can share this, for example, via Twitter, like so. So, change the text there if you want and then log in and tweet that, for example. And, similarly, via Facebook, and LinkedIn, and Pinterest to get the buzz going. Do use them, do kind of build out a calendar of when you're going to do these things. And if you see…
