From the course: Learning Behance

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Customizing your layout

Customizing your layout

- [Instructor] Okay, so I've actually switched accounts here so that I've got a few more projects with which to play with, this is my original Fanglerfish project here, and then there's a few other odds and ends, most of which, I guess really, are from different courses and tutorials that I do here. At least with this particular presence, like I said earlier, I have a few for different reasons. Okay, so this is the 101 really on getting used to working with this. Everything here is pretty much customizable. So all you need to is hover over things and you get a pencil, and when you click on the pencil, then you can customize various different things. So for example, if I wanted to change the background here, I could add an image to it, and if I did that, then I've got options for how it deals with it. Let's not turn it back into Myspace people with crazy multicolored stuff repeating over and over again, please! I implore you! Include a background color here, so if I want to do that, I…
