From the course: Learning Behance

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Adding work from the mobile apps

Adding work from the mobile apps

From the course: Learning Behance

Adding work from the mobile apps

- [Instructor] In this movie, we're going to take a look at adding work via the Adobe mobile apps. I'm just going to switch out to the Behance app, which I've got running here on my iPad, just as in the previous movie, you can see that I've got my activity feed just here. At the bottom of the screen, I've got my icons to take me to discover things, and to find jobs and so on, but it's that middle icon I'm actually after this time, because this is where I can actually start a project on the go, and you'll see at the bottom here, it's giving me samples from my camera roll here, but I can also access my Creative Cloud files if I need to do that, and I can take a photo if I wanted to do that. My iPad's laying on the desk at the moment, so that's not going to be the most thrilling photo ever. I can add text, and I can even imbed media. If I do that, or if I opt to do that right now, it's going to check the clipboard for a valid imbed URL, the sort of thing you get from YouTube or Vimeo for…
