From the course: Learning Autodesk ReCap 360
Select points along a plane
From the course: Learning Autodesk ReCap 360
Select points along a plane
- [Instructor] Recap allows us to select multiple points along a three dimensional plane that we specify. To accomplish that task, come down here to the Contextual Tile Menu, then select on Plane. The next thing that we need to do is select at least three points along a three dimensional surface or plane here inside of our point cloud. Where I want to select will be along this face of our wall. Move your cursor up into this area, then click once. Click again to somewhere over here in this area. I'm trying to stay along this flat plane of the wall. Now I'm going to click right about here. Now I could continue to do more points if I wanted to, such as click here, and you can see I could keep clicking. But, by selecting on each one of these points, it's establishing a three dimensional plane by which we'll be clicking against. Next, hit the Enter key on the keyboard. Now you can see that everything that goes along that three dimensional plane that we just selected upon is now been selected. So, all of those points. The depth of this plane is controlled here at the Plane Depth. If we reduce it by clicking on this little slider bar, holding the mouse button down, and then dragging it over, we can see that it selects less points. If we move it over toward the right-hand side, we can see that it goes deeper. In this case, 98 millimeters deeper. As it's selecting more points, which align up with that three dimensional plane that we selected. From here, we can make any kind of modifications to these points that we wanted, or we can clear our selection by selecting the clear button on the right-hand side.
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