From the course: Learning Autodesk ReCap 360
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From the course: Learning Autodesk ReCap 360
- [Instructor] There's a button that looks like a gear, and that's called preferences which allows you to set software preferences within ReCap. The first area is called general. Then underneath general, there's an option for adjusting your coordinate systems. By selecting on the little arrow next to coordinate systems it'll expand out the category, and then for current, you'll see the current coordinate system. If your project currently does not have a coordinate system, you can click within the box and then choose from any of the coordinate systems which are currently available. Also, there's an option here for the camera, or the way that your view will be displayed. That will include the field of view, which in this case happens to be set at 45, but if you want to narrow that down or expand the field of view, you can. If we move down farther we can find our units. That includes the current project units. For this course, I will be just leaving it at meters, but you can change those…
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