From the course: Learning Autodesk ReCap 360

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Open a project

Open a project

- [Instructor] There are three areas on the screen which allow you to open up a ReCap project. The first area is the recent projects area which displays your previous few projects that you had opened up in ReCap. By selecting on any of those project images, it will open up that project. The next area is the big, blue open button, and that will open up your current ReCap project, or basically the last ReCap project that you had open. The third area is the open button which looks like a folder opening up, and if you select on the open button, that will open up the open project dialog box. For this exercise, underneath exercise files chapter two, select on 1.rcp, so it's opening up a ReCap project that's just called one, and click on open. It may take it a couple of seconds to load, but when it does, it'll now open up that ReCap project.
