From the course: Learning Autodesk ReCap 360

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Navigation menu

Navigation menu

- [Instructor] To interact with your ReCap project file first come over here to the navigation menu which is the third icon down on the left-hand side. When you highlight on the navigation menu you'll get a variety of navigation shortcuts which pop up. Which include zoom, pan, orbit, and fly. To use those commands you can just hold down z for zoom on your keyboard and then move the mouse. For pan you hold down the spacebar and then move the mouse. For orbit hold down the x and move the mouse. Or for fly, hold down the c and move the mouse. This navigation shortcuts also shows you different ways that you can navigate by just using the mouse and not holding down z, space, x, or c at all. To fly around the model, hold down the shift key as well as the right mouse button. To zoom in or out, use the wheel on your mouse. Hold down the wheel of your mouse to pan from side to side. Or to orbit, right click and move the mouse. But you can also select those off of this navigation menu. By…
