From the course: Learning Arduino: Pulse Width Modulation

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Using basic PWM output

Using basic PWM output

The first step in using PWM on the Arduino is to select a PWM pin. On my board, there's a tilde next to the PWM pins. Your board should be something similar, like an asterisk, or may even have PWM printed next to it. If you are unsure, refer to the documentation for your board. For this sketch, I have an LED plugged into pin nine with a resistor in series. In the Arduino IDE, I will select File, Examples, Basics, BareMinimum. From here, I need to declare a few variables and send PWM output to my LED. First, I instantiate a new integer variable, LED nine, and assign a value of nine. You should use a short descriptive name for your variables to increase the readability of your code. I declared LED nine as a constant, meaning it is read-only. This allows the compiler to optimize the code, saving memory. This is a good habit to get into because the Arduino has a limited amount of storage space. Variable naming conventions suggest all caps for constants. This simply stands as a visual…
