From the course: Learning Arduino: Pulse Width Modulation

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Solution: Controlling a DC motor with an H bridge and potentiometer

Solution: Controlling a DC motor with an H bridge and potentiometer - Arduino Tutorial

From the course: Learning Arduino: Pulse Width Modulation

Solution: Controlling a DC motor with an H bridge and potentiometer

- Did you get your motor spinning as planned? Let's take a quick look at my solution. First, in the setup, I set pin 13 as output then I set pin 13 to high. I have the enable pin on my H-bridge connected to pin 13. Since I don't need to toggle the enable pin while I'm running the program, I've set it to high in the setup so I don't have to worry about it again. First, I initialize an integer called pinRead and give it a value Read from analog pin zero. Then I checked for three conditions. If pinRead is less than 500, I'll execute these four lines of code. First, I'm setting pinRead to a value of 499 minus the current value of pinRead. If the value of pinRead was 499, now the value of pinRead is zero. This is effectively swapping the pinRead value around so that now, I can easily map this value and scale the motor speed along with the pinRead value. Next, I'll map the value of pinRead to my range: 0 to 255. Then, using the analogWrite function, I spin up the motor through pin three. I…
