From the course: Learning Arduino: Pulse Width Modulation
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Conclusion - Arduino Tutorial
From the course: Learning Arduino: Pulse Width Modulation
- There are limitless applications for the Arduino. With just a few adjustments to the examples you have explored, we could build anything from a robot to a musical instrument. I've introduced many of the ways you can harness the power of pulse width modulation. Exploring various analog inputs can bring new interactivity to your projects. Sensors can automatically turn on lights as the sun goes down or open a door for a pet while keeping wild animals out. Think about a metric in your environment that you want to measure and some action you could take as a result. Then automate that process with the Arduino. Above all, have fun. Arduino is about exploring technology. And at the end of the day, if you close the IDE with more knowledge and experience than when you opened it, you have had a successful day as a maker.
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