From the course: Learning After Effects 2022
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Distort a layer - After Effects Tutorial
From the course: Learning After Effects 2022
Distort a layer
- When we looked at the range of effects available in this application, I mentioned that one whole category, as I think of them, are the transformative effects. Another way to think of this is distortion or defamation effects. These terms make it sound like the idea is to make things look less linear and perfect and kind of odd, but they can also be used to create something perfect in its own right. Let's use a tool from the distort category to turn a linear graphic into a perfect arc. To get us started , I have moved the lunar cycle back into the frame here, it's this layer that's highlighted. It's a little bit big, so carefully selecting a corner, I can just hold down the shift key and uniformly scale it down. And I'll also drag it up again, holding the shift key to constrain so it's still centered. And I just want it to sit up in the sky like that. And the other thing I'd like to do is just set a blending mode, so I'll…
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