From the course: Learning Adobe XD

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Voice triggers: Components

Voice triggers: Components - Adobe XD Tutorial

From the course: Learning Adobe XD

Voice triggers: Components

- [Instructor] In the previous exercise, we explored the fundamentals of using voice triggers in Experience Design. In this exercise, we are going to look at combining tactile and voice interactions. Along the way, I hope you will see there are a myriad of potential possibilities when it comes to combining these two interaction methods. So let's get started. And to get yourself started, open the tour XD file found in your chapter download. Now what you're looking at is an Alexa interface and I'm actually using the Alexa UI and I'll be getting into how to get hold of that in a subsequent video. The assumption here is that a tourist is in Newfoundland and the hotel has placed an Alexa device in the hotel room. What we're going to do is wire up how a tourist might book a tour of the local sites. So to start, we're going to swing over to prototype view and we're going to drag a wire from the home screen over…
