From the course: Learning Adobe XD
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Property panel - Adobe XD Tutorial
From the course: Learning Adobe XD
Property panel
- In this exercise, we're going to take a look at a panel that you're going to be using extensively throughout this course. And it's this panel right here, the properties panel. If you want to work along with me, open up the properties file found in your chapter download. And when it opens, you'll see an image, some text, a box, and the good old Twitter bird. These are common elements that you will put on an artboard. And the properties panel, as I said earlier, is context sensitive. So if I click on an element such as this picture here, all of the properties that relate to that image light up. So let's play with the image. So the first thing we're going to do is just give it a border. So we're going to come over here to the border property and we're going to give it a black border. Of course would help if we push the opacity up. So we're going to give it a black border. And we'll give it a border size of five pixels so we…
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Home screen2m 33s
Interface6m 55s
Menus2m 35s
Artboards4m 13s
Flows3m 57s
Modes4m 5s
Layers4m 41s
Property panel8m 5s
Libraries5m 2s
Preview1m 20s
Saving1m 55s
Device profiles2m
Learning resources1m 56s