From the course: Learning Adobe XD
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Pagination - Adobe XD Tutorial
From the course: Learning Adobe XD
- In this exercise, we're going to take a look at pagination, which is sort of ideal for such things as onboarding, and hero images and things like that. Basically what you do is you click on a dot and the image moves. So let's get started and to get yourself started, open the pagination file in your chapter five download. So here's what we're going to do. We're going to use this little widget right here to cover the dots. So that'll always tell us where we are. So the first thing we're going to do is we're going to select both of these objects. We're going to go to object, mask with shape, and then I'm just going to move it up here. And then we're going to zoom in, get the selection tool, and we're just going to push it in just so it covers the dots. So there we go. Okay, back out to a hundred percent. Okay, so we've got this thing done. So what we're going to do is, we're going to hold down our shift key, and come…
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Card flip4m 40s
Parallax5m 24s
Glass morphism7m 56s
Nested menu5m 50s
Counter7m 19s
Pull-to-refresh4m 29s
Progress bar5m 17s
Animated progress circle4m 56s
Pagination4m 18s
Carousel4m 6s
Videos in the Background6m 30s
Create a Lottie file10m 20s
Use a Lottie file in XD9m 6s
Use hyperlinks2m 41s
Dynamic Island6m 12s