From the course: Learning Adobe XD
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Live cursor - Adobe XD Tutorial
From the course: Learning Adobe XD
Live cursor
- [Speaker] In the previous exercise, I covered off the co-editing features of XD and there is a new addition to the co-editing lineup, Live Cursors. As I've pointed out throughout this course and in others, I tend to regard the UX design process as a team sport, co-editing supports that and live cursors now give everyone working on a document to see who is doing what and where in real time. So let's take a look at what I'm talking about. I've uploaded this document to the cloud and by the way, remember co-editing only works on cloud-based documents and invited my colleague Kevin Brandon to co-edit. Give us a wave, Kevin. There you go. And you can see his icon up here and his icon is also attached to his circle. So I always know where Kevin is working. I've told Kevin I'm not exactly thrilled with the text in these art boards and Kevin isn't exactly happy with the shape of the buttons. So I've told Kevin, "Have at it."…
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Share mode3m 53s
Co-editing4m 4s
Live cursor3m 15s
Artboard sharing3m
Exporting assets7m 1s
Commenting2m 14s
Preview1m 32s
Device preview2m 27s
User testing2m 41s
Developer sharing5m 50s
PDF export2m 8s
Behance2m 7s