From the course: Lean Software Development

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Understanding value is key

Understanding value is key

- Value is a word that is used often, but rarely understood. Defining value starts by understanding the core mission of the business. You want to be able to answer important questions, such as what is the core need or desire we want to fulfill? Is anyone already tackling this for our customers, and how? Speaking of our customers, who exactly is our target? Individuals or companies, small business or enterprises? With those questions answered, you can learn about the desires and needs of that target customer. One of the most important things for people to understand about value is that it's ultimately determined by customer actions. You can have a brilliant and well-executed mission, but if no one pays for it and uses your product or service, then the market's telling you it has no value. This means that businesses can only be sure if a thing has value if customers pay for it and ideally utilize it enough to make them want to recommend or renew it. Until then, any beliefs you have…
