From the course: Lean Software Development
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Think like a scientist
From the course: Lean Software Development
Think like a scientist
- When is the last time you felt you had all of the answers to your software development challenges? My answer is never. Technology is changing faster than ever before. Rules about how we use technology are continually emerging. How do we keep up? How do we learn which decisions are good and which are bad without leaving a trail of destruction behind us? The answer might be something you learned in grade school. Scientific thinking. Scientific thinking is the deliberate practice of comparing what we expect will happen with what actually happens and learning from the differences between the two. Lean software development relies on our use of scientific thinking and the knowledge that it creates so that we can make better decisions in the future and meet our goals. A great way to introduce scientific thinking to software development teams, is to regularly practice kata. Generally, kata refers to any basic routine or pattern of behavior. In lean, it specifically refers to the combination…
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