From the course: Lean Software Development

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Seven key principles

Seven key principles

- The book "Implementing Lean Software Development: "From Concept to Cash," by Tom and Mary Poppendieck, lays out seven key principles that lean software development teams embrace. The rest of the course goes into great detail on many of these principles. In this video, I'll provide a high-level overview of each. Principle number one is eliminate waste. Eliminating waste is often misidentified as the goal of lean, because it's what people seem to focus on the most. It is, however, an important step to achieve the true goal, which is quick and sustainable delivery of value to the customer. Eliminating waste can take many forms, such as removing unnecessary activities in the process, developing only features that add significant value to the customer, reducing churn by doing things at the right time, or reducing dependencies and delays caused by inappropriate organizational boundaries. And that's just to name a few. Principle number two is build quality in. Building quality in means…
