From the course: Lean Software Development

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Seek frequent feedback

Seek frequent feedback

- In software development, like any other complex work, it's impossible to make perfect plans. No matter how hard we try, we don't know everything we'll need to know, and even when we think we can explain things clearly, we can't control how they are interpreted or implemented by others. And what we think will happen as a result of our work isn't always what happens. Stephen Bungay in his book "Art of Action" calls these the three gaps, the learning gap, the alignment gap, and the effects gap. When faced with these three gaps, taking small, frequent actions that provide quick feedback is absolutely crucial to avoid getting too far off track. This mechanism of getting and using feedback is called a feedback loop. Essentially, we do something, we see what happens, we compare that to what we thought would happen, and then, going forward, we apply any learning to new decisions and actions. We know that we get feedback from customers when we deliver products through purchase rates, support…
