From the course: Lean Software Development

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Implement a Kanban system

Implement a Kanban system

- [Instructor] I spend a lot of time helping teams improve their delivery capabilities in part by analyzing their work, the process used to complete the work, and the pain points that emerge along the way. As part of this discovery, I ask the teams to put themselves in their stakeholders' shoes and list out their complaints. Nearly every team I talk to lists speed, or specifically the lack of it, as the chief complaint of their stakeholders. There are many reasons why teams might see slow delivery speeds. But in my experience, one of the biggest is that teams try to start too much and end up barely finishing anything. Fortunately, there's a lean tool that can help determine what's contributing to your slow delivery speeds. That tool is a Kanban system. Kanban is a highly visual system that is meant to make your problems rise to the surface. Creating a Kanban starts with visualizing your work. In this visualization, the workflow or process needed to complete the work, is usually…
