From the course: Lean Software Development
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Advocate for lean leadership
From the course: Lean Software Development
Advocate for lean leadership
- Some people think it takes big personalities and and aggressive decision making skills to make a great leader. But great Lean Leaders often thrive in the shadows of others. It doesn't take a position of power to create a Lean Leader. Neither does it take a belt or certification. What makes a great Lean Leader is the ability to see and create the conditions needed for people to work together effectively. Great Lean Leaders effectively communicate their intentions so that people understand what needs to be done. Then they get out of the way and allow the smart people they hire to make that vision come true. They can set guardrails that tell what must happen and what must be avoided. And then they stay close in case they are needed along the way. In other words, they practice intent based leadership. It's hard to be a Lean Leader if you don't come to understand how the work is done. So Lean Leaders go see. They learn from the boots on the ground what it really takes to turn the vision…
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