From the course: Leading with Empathy

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Is your culture authentically empathetic?

Is your culture authentically empathetic?

From the course: Leading with Empathy

Is your culture authentically empathetic?

- Now we come to the moment of truth, how empathetic is your organization? We can all think of leaders or brands who let us down with false claims of empathy, compassion, or understanding. So let's get real, be honest, and avoid this mistake, shall we? It's time to put your team through an empathy audit, find out where you're strong and where you need to strengthen that empathy muscle just a bit more. Ask questions to ensure your organization is acting empathetically at every level, as leaders, as a culture, and as a brand. Focus on the internal truths first. Build your foundation and then you can move on to the external acts that make empathy visible outside your company walls. To avoid that dreaded empathy veneer and ensure you're operating with genuine empathy, ask yourself five questions. The first question, are you all aligned on mission and values? Don't assume here. You need to get everyone together and ask…
