From the course: Leading through Chaos
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Creative problem-solving
From the course: Leading through Chaos
Creative problem-solving
- American composer, Stephen Sondheim, said, "Art, in itself, is an attempt to bring order out of chaos." As a leader you're expected to be creative, bringing forth novel ideas to address complex problems. Your art creates order out of chaos. In this lesson I'm going to provide you with a process for how to tap into creativity under pressure and come up with innovative solutions to crucial issues. This is important because chaotic situations often require a relatively quick yet still organized response. First, gather a diverse coalition of brainstormers. An approach I like to use classifies people by how they think when engaged in the creative problem-solving process. As ideators, clarifiers, developers or implementers. Ideators are great at generating novel ideas. Clarifiers ask the questions needed to refine those ideas. Developers lay out the steps to move an idea into reality. And implementers make it happen. All of us…