From the course: Leading Projects
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Project lessons learned
From the course: Leading Projects
Project lessons learned
- Before you declare a project complete, turn the lights off and go home, there's one more element of the transition that you need to take into account. In this video, we'll focus on capturing the lessons that you and your team learned from this project. One of the things that I love most about working on projects is how much I learn, and the completion of a project is a great opportunity to bring the team together, so that we can share what we learned with each other. Taking the time to reflect is really a proactive investment in preparing your team for future projects, but there is also another, more personal reason to capture the lessons learned. One of the groups that is most affected by the completion of a project is the project team. You and your colleagues will experience a change. You will all be transitioning, maybe to other projects, maybe even to another job, or another company. So each of you will go through a process of letting go of the project, moving into the neutral…
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