From the course: Kubernetes: Microservices
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An overview of Kubernetes services - Kubernetes Tutorial
From the course: Kubernetes: Microservices
An overview of Kubernetes services
- [Instructor] In the last chapter, you got your learning environment up and running. In this chapter, I'll walk you through the finer details of how to understand Kubernetes service types. The Kubernetes service API is incredibly powerful because it can create a service that has a stable IP address and name. And when a request is sent to those things, it load balances traffic to pods whose IP addresses are ever changing. That means instead of trying to keep track of pod IP addresses, which change frequently because pods are terminated and restarted, you can use the service IP address or name to ask for data. Let's look at an example. This is the YAML manifest for your frontend UI deployment and service. And that microservice, in order to have anything to show you that's interesting, it has to make a request to the learning resources API in order to gather data. So, in this example, I've hardcoded the IP address of a pod and the port number in order for that application to make the…
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An overview of Kubernetes services8m
Examine a ClusterIP service9m 1s
Examine a NodePort service5m 15s
Examine a LoadBalancer service7m 17s
Challenge: Deploy and test a new microservice1m 4s
Solution: Deploy and test a new microservice4m 53s