From the course: Journey Mapping: Case Study in Action
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Getting customers involved in the journey map
From the course: Journey Mapping: Case Study in Action
Getting customers involved in the journey map
- We can't really call this a customer journey map if we don't include the customer. That's why we want to get the perspectives of the people we're doing this for, our customers. Now that you know what you're mapping and the overall journey, you want to hear from your customers about that specific journey and scope. And while we're validating what we think we know, it's important to avoid bias by asking the customers to start from the beginning. Give them the courtesy of sharing their journey with you, not just responding to what you already have. There are many ways to do this and I definitely recommend a simplified customer journey mapping workshop, if you can find the right customers who represent your persona. You follow the same approach as the customer journey mapping workshop with your CX team, but keep it totally focused on the customer. Their perspective about what happens in actions, thinking, and feeling…
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