From the course: Job Interviewing for Leaders and Managers

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Acing an interview with positive self-talk

Acing an interview with positive self-talk

From the course: Job Interviewing for Leaders and Managers

Acing an interview with positive self-talk

- My favorite thing about going to a Major League Baseball game is not the sport, the popcorn, or even the hot dog. It's the walkup song. Every player picks a song for the walk from the on-deck circle to the batter's box. Dodgers' Mookie Betts walks out to "I Love My City" while Braves' Freddie Freeman "Let the Drummer Kick." These players have it figured out. Baseball is a mental game. Music can influence your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. I found this personally true. A great song can give me the boost I need to run faster on my treadmill. Positive self-talk before an interview can have the same effect as a great walkup song. Self-talk is your internal dialogue or the unspoken thoughts that run through your head. Negative self-talk can also impact us, but in damaging ways. Examples of negative self-talk includes saying things to yourself like: I'm not a good interviewer. They probably are interviewing…
