From the course: JMeter: Performance and Load Testing

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Pros and cons

Pros and cons

- [Instructor] I now have two quite different options for data interrogation after my load test is finished. So which one should I use? The answer to this isn't quite as straightforward as you might think. Both options come with their pros and cons. On one hand, we have the dashboard. This dashboard is largely automated, it's easy to package up and distribute to others, like developers and stakeholders, and gives you an interactive source of data visualization. On the other hand, the dashboard only has a finite amount of statistics that it graphs, and if you are interested in something that it doesn't graph, then you simply won't have that information. The JTL file file, on the other hand, allows you to use the data within it however you want. You can transpose it through any of the installed graph plugins or so you count brand-new plugins from the JMeter plugins website and see if this offers you the information you require. You can also use the graphs that these plugins generate to…
